That hint was for the idiots that thought you had to go forward and beat Spain to Qualify.
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I quote: "Your IC opponents will have different qualities. The IC is a prestigious Top Eleven competition - make sure to prepare your team well! ". How you understand this?
But let's say that I am so stupid and didn't understand correctly. I accept your answer. I have one more question: for what there was prepare phase?
For bot fest
I have a feeling that this is because many managers are not being allowed into. The cup yet. I. Still have the preparation screen telling me the cup starts soon maybe the bots will be replaced with real players as this carries on
Thats why I dedicate my free time to do paints... as I did...
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What's the most nice thing in all this?
Programmers tried to avoid showing we are playing bots by applying small translations to players on the pitch :D :D :D :D
I want to congratulate myself with the dev that has done this.
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Sizin Yapacağınız Oyunuda, Turnuvayıda, Sisteminizide Sikiyim, Ulan orosbu çocukları, madem % ye göre rakip çıkacaktı neden uğraştırdınız? hergün takımla ilgilenen, token, yeşil harcayanla, hiç ilgilenmeyen aynı durumda hatta az ilgilenenler gruplarında en iyisi, Oyun içi adalet diyen sizlerin taa amına koyuyum, ulan dolandırıcı ibneler hala oyun içi destek cevap vermiyor, sizi beyneminel herkes siksin
Niye Mi? Küfür ediyorum, nordeus un anladığı dil küfür, ana dili küfür, yabancı dili de küfür, başka dil bilyor orosbu çocukları dolandırıcı ibneler
England's Group :)
One managed team and 3 bots - England squad of 22, the other three teams squad of 14 each.
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Panama for the Cup!
Let's see how the next three matches go. If it's not good then I'll just shut it down and forget about any further participation...