chin up, i've had 12
EDIT - And you're a Den Haag fan, thats awesome, i live in and support Swansea :D
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Is there any reason why injuries are occuring on such a regular basis now. That's nine injuries in 9 consecutive games and always amc/mc/dmc/dc top performers. This is seriously getting to me now. I understand they happen but since when does the same player get injured 3 games in a row. I used my treatments to heal but have now decided that this game engine does not want me to win my league again. I've watched my nearest rival who leads the league by 3 points but does not get injured players very often. I don't over-train and do not have any player on hard training. This needs to be sorted out else I'm off. Can't play a game that is so obviously biased toward weaker/ ghost/bot teams!!!! Nordeus SORT IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF just happened? 2 ACTIVE INJURIES!!!
That is correct but needed to raise cash first but my point is that since the scout list was refreshed it should not have changed again within a matter of hours, now I am missing a player in this position and as my transfer market is crap do not have much hope to fill it.
I think your scout list is up for other players too so if you wait others might buy it and then its most of the time gets replaced by a similar player with similar SA but it's far from certain. I think that's the biggest reason for why everyones scout list are filled with crap players with weird SAs for their position.
I'll vent for one of my biggest "enemies" in this game. Yesterday I supported his opposition in his CL Group so he got booted from the tournament. Mohahha. Yeah it was an asshole move but he always cheers for the teams I'm up against in the league.
OK they need to get a grip on this and quick just drawn 2-2 against a team with 9 men who lost both DCs. Player not online so both DL and the DR(1*) became amazing and covered the entire back line with ease I have drawn or lost a large proportion of games against lower rated teams who normally get reduced to 10 or even 9 men and are not present to at least make it look respectable.
U might be onto something there!
Since last rant I've now had another 5 injuries, 2 to the same players I've just healed again. One within 3 minutes of start of game another just before half time. This is seriously ****ing me off. The players getting injured are being tackled but offenders are only getting a telling off. Make it ****ing realistic by letting offenders bite my players and getting 10 game ban instead of a telling off for putting them out for 10 days. You want realistic I'll give you realistic. Shove your gameplay up your ass. Oh I made a mistake in one of my rants I actually won my return cup game with a last minute goal. Seems you do listen sometimes!!!
Not really a rant but I gotta give this guy some credits :) He plays an illegal formation all year long but have only lost 2/13 league games. He managed to leave my stadium with 1 point a few rounds back lol He's active and his squad is not too bad, could have easily been in top 7 had he played a legal formation. I wonder if he had ever wondered why his possession for every game is 80/20 lol
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