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Thread: Seats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020


    I’m fairly new to the game having only started playing it for just over a month now.

    What I want to know is,
    If I build seats in the stadium, does the seating remain if I then upgrade the stadium or would I have to build the seats back after the stadium upgrade?

    I currently have a small town with no seats and wondering if it is worth building seats or not, as I don’t want to waste money building seats if they disappear once the stadium is upgraded.

  2. #2
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Hello and welcome to the forum , as far as I know (not sure too) seats remain when stadium building has finished . Its more worthy to build seats first
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Skorpz_86 View Post
    I’m fairly new to the game having only started playing it for just over a month now.

    What I want to know is,
    If I build seats in the stadium, does the seating remain if I then upgrade the stadium or would I have to build the seats back after the stadium upgrade?

    I currently have a small town with no seats and wondering if it is worth building seats or not, as I don’t want to waste money building seats if they disappear once the stadium is upgraded.
    Hello , I don’t remember how it works exactly but what it does do, when you add the seats on, let’s say, a 7,000 seat upgrade onto a 21,000 seater stadium. Once that upgrade had been completed, it would take your capacity to 28,000, so the stadium upgrade after this would be 31,000, so this would shorten the upgrade to the next level stadium, rather than taking 12 days from getting 21,000 to 31,000, it takes 3 days or so to get from 28,000 to 31,000 seats, I think in the new update that’s how things work, but I prefer to do a full on upgrade, not in parts, tho would only really work out for you if you are short on money. I would do the full upgrade but the only time you do no do this is when your stadium reaches 211k capacity, you have no choice to use the 49K seat add on to fully max out your stadium.
    maloukees likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Welcome mate,

    Building the stadium do not use tokens to finish that is a waste of resources.

    The seats stay as far as i remember