Thats nice,.... how many tokens you spend so far this season?
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I had aproximately 600 saved up start of season, 1,031 got from free fb credits I earned from a website and bought another 1,031 plus there will of been a few more earned since start of season through videos, I got 295 tokens left now, maybe spent around 2,400-2,500 tokens this season, 400 scout + loads of packages of x50 green boosters plus a few x50 medics.
Damn to much IMO... you know better :P
Why I cant watch videos and get free tokens :(
what wrong with my DMC in the last 1 week they got like 4 injury,and i have 2 dmc so each 1 of them got 2 injury -_-"
p/s: 1st time ever i won 10-0 :D :D
@NTNK: what about matomy,they usually have vid there
Being in a higher league than my managerial status, I have one of the weaker squads. But I've made a decent start and.....
Attachment 364
Just won 3-1 away.