Even here I went "home" for rest of the season :D
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Won my cup match 3-1 away. It was a very tense match. Squad will be a bit stretched for a few days as I had 2 MC's injured and another MC red carded.
I lost in cup 1-0 (home) against leve 10 (I'm 8) anyway I'm out 80% from CUP and League I quited, very nice season :D
I win in league 3:0
But need to play cup match against oponent who is 21 level... :( I'm 11... :D
7-0 win in the league moves me top, :)
Smiles all around after the game, no bookings, no injuries, totally dominated the game with defending and long passing, forcing counter; against an attacking formation of 3W-4 offset no ML-1-2.
28 shots, pretty sure that is the most I've ever had, should have been more. :)
Two points clear and same GD after I was trailing by 9 yesterday. Happy with that.
Cup coming up in 20min, have I burnt my goal allocation for the day