This screenshot kind of contradicts the promissed more competitive tournament, a 4* associations grouped up with a 9* association... get get less competitive than that... :(
Attachment 137138
This screenshot kind of contradicts the promissed more competitive tournament, a 4* associations grouped up with a 9* association... get get less competitive than that... :(
Attachment 137138
You will play against asso in the same division, not the same leaderboard.
What I can't understand is why you have 6/6 and 4/6 member asso in your leaderboard. In mine most are 6/6 and there are some 5/6.... I thought the leaderboard would have only 6/6 or 5/6 or 4/6 asso, not mixed like we had.
@NUNO FC you are rushing to conclusions. the division you are in is run the same way as the old standings table. your asso will not be playing anyone in your division, just competing for points. the draw will be done the same way as before against matched-up assos. do you really think nordeus are going to show you your opponents in advance ? if so everyone would start training like mad now LMAO. calm down mate. you will not play any of these assos. it is a random table full of other platinum assos.
I can not find the leaderboard, where is it? Only shows top 100.
SHUT UP @HUDAI AND @Siddharth Singh !! go fight somewhere else. members don't wanna read your childish arguments ffs ! go do one the pair of you