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Thread: What's the best defensive setup?

  1. #1
    Rookie Horcrux's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Question What's the best defensive setup?

    I rarely change formation/tactics, but I'm playing a vastly stronger opponent soon, who will be playing a variation of 4-2-3-1.

    So I'm wondering what the ideal defensive setup is in terms of formation, passing focus, passing style, tackle style, etc. In addition, is the force counterattack option advisable?

    FYI, I have the players to play most formations.

    Also, off tangent, do you guys train your DMC on shooting? This season, my DMC shoots a lot from outside the box and they are always wide off target. Since it's a grey skill, I never train them. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Horcrux View Post
    I rarely change formation/tactics, but I'm playing a vastly stronger opponent soon, who will be playing a variation of 4-2-3-1.

    So I'm wondering what the ideal defensive setup is in terms of formation, passing focus, passing style, tackle style, etc. In addition, is the force counterattack option advisable?

    FYI, I have the players to play most formations.

    Also, off tangent, do you guys train your DMC on shooting? This season, my DMC shoots a lot from outside the box and they are always wide off target. Since it's a grey skill, I never train them. Thoughts?
    its not about what set up attack/defensive or playing styles none of this means anything in this game its all about money/% the opponent is,your opponent could play 10 1 star players in defence and 1 AML/R of 200% and probably still win its all about the dice roll of the games AI

  3. #3
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Horcrux View Post
    I rarely change formation/tactics, but I'm playing a vastly stronger opponent soon, who will be playing a variation of 4-2-3-1.

    So I'm wondering what the ideal defensive setup is in terms of formation, passing focus, passing style, tackle style, etc. In addition, is the force counterattack option advisable?

    FYI, I have the players to play most formations.

    Also, off tangent, do you guys train your DMC on shooting? This season, my DMC shoots a lot from outside the box and they are always wide off target. Since it's a grey skill, I never train them. Thoughts?
    Hey there! As an answer to your question, and similar ones, I have created this video
    Feel free to check it out!

  4. #4
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Horcrux View Post
    I rarely change formation/tactics, but I'm playing a vastly stronger opponent soon, who will be playing a variation of 4-2-3-1.

    So I'm wondering what the ideal defensive setup is in terms of formation, passing focus, passing style, tackle style, etc. In addition, is the force counterattack option advisable?

    FYI, I have the players to play most formations.

    Also, off tangent, do you guys train your DMC on shooting? This season, my DMC shoots a lot from outside the box and they are always wide off target. Since it's a grey skill, I never train them. Thoughts?
    Hey there! As an answer to your question, and similar ones, I have created this video
    Feel free to check it out!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Your video is a bit confusing. Let's say you make counter formation but than you need to know how that counter formation works. And you need to repeat this almost every game. Is that formation more suitable for attacking or defensive? Better for possession or counters? How to defend with it? And so on. Let's say you end up with 4-5-1 flat but it would be pointless to play attacking with it. And if you dont know this formation how you can know that attacking football wouldnt be suitable for it? Or those fansy formations? It's like i construct them but i dont know how to use them.
    You say that you should use 2dc against 2st and so on. But what if your defenders are weaker than oppo attackers?