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Thread: Experience: Is it better to stick with one two formations through season?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Experience: Is it better to stick with one two formations through season?

    I am still wondering if it is better to simply stick to one or two formations throughout the entire season or should one try to counteract using different formations?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    I don't believe the sim. engine is able to detect team formations. It's just about comparing player versus players where they acting in same/opposite zones. I never use a specific formation, Taking into account my full squad capability every season. So i prefer to use 3 formations; the main formation is built in the manner of maximize Team AvQ. Slot 2 is saved as high AvQ alternative. Slot 3 is for an option/tactical formation to aiming oppo.'s weakest roles on pitch. Slot 4 is always empty to slightly adjust positions/compare new formations in a clear view.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    If what you are saying is true then I would ask you to explain something to me, how is it that there is a team in my league that beats almost all teams even the stronger ones? He seems to almost always use the same formation and beats stronger teams so something else is happening there, it seems to me this guy is Nordeus favorite to win the league this season regardless of how stronger my team is to his, Nordeus decides, in the end, I see the workings let me give you an example I was in the first place and played with a team yesterday that on average tries I would beat 2 times out of three. I am playing at home by the way, so time and time again my players keep missing easy shots they would otherwise score with I should have been up 3-0 first half instead I'm up 1-0 on a free kick. Second half same thing they begin to attack relentlessly and I keep missing shots, at the 86 th minute they tie it on a score from my GK punching the ball on a shot. 1-1 this would not be suspicious if today that team I began talking about although with one game more is now in first place again that one point is costing me a lot now and I am playing this team last day of first round and last day of the season, so you can see the set up here? Nordeus decides at the end, sadly this game is a scam. If and when you fall in the graces of Nordeus AI you get ahead and win otherwise you can lose playing a much weaker team no matter what. I believe that in order to win them all one would have to be 20% stronger than all others wherever one plays.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    I am playing this team last day of first round and last day of the season, so you can see the set up here? Nordeus decides at the end, sadly this game is a scam. If and when you fall in the graces of Nordeus AI you get ahead and win otherwise you can lose playing a much weaker team no matter what. I believe that in order to win them all one would have to be 20% stronger than all others wherever one plays.
    Same! I have figured out that if Nordeus decides that i will either win the league or be 2nd, the team that i will compete against is always the last team i have to play at home (round 13) and away (round 26)
    This season the same. I am 1st, undefeated and i play the 2nd place team tomorrow, and on the last match of the season,

    It is always a good way for me to see who is a strong team early in the season by looking at my league schedule. This has happened to me many times
    Last edited by Julandron; 11-20-2022 at 08:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    OK so the second in the league after me I am first now, I have to play them tomorrow and it is the last game as you said but this team is 101 and I am 117 and they have not won against stronger teams only weaker, slightly weaker or equal to them, so I feel that I will have a hard time with them because it will be programmed that way by the Nordeus puppet masters

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    to your point and mine, look at my schedule, today is the last day of the first leg of the league, and I am in first place with the team that I am playing today one point behind, last season that was me and I ended up winning against a slightly better team than mine, just about as it is this season, then I never looked back and won the league, This season they are where I was and that concerns me if it is as you say I should lose then. In addition to all this, the setup on Nordeus side. They scheduled me to play a CL game at 15:10 and then play this team at 19:10 I will only have 6% of energy to recuperate between these two games my subs are all weaker than my tope eleven so as you see it is Nordeus that plans to make it extremely difficult to succeed UNLESS you end up spending and buying rest packs or stronger players etc. And then even then you are not assured that the Nordeus AI program will allow you to win. If you do not invest and buy in time they punish you. They always lower the morale, it does not matter how much you win the morale never stays nor does it improve with results forcing you to buy more morale boosters. In a sad way this game is so far from reality , what team loses morale when they are doing excellent and what team plays two matches on the same day? It's insane!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Well, i need to see your match report and send the asso. Tag and club name of that invincible guy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2022
    I never thought of this but it’s true this season! I’m in second, one point behind the first place team, and we play today. I also just finished a champions league match 4 hours before the important league match. It helps that I can get free greens this season from the penalty event lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    who knows maybe that's you behind me lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2022
    So far this theory is proving true as i won my match 2-0 and am back in first! Let’s hope it holds the rest of the season, been awhile since I won a trophy lol

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