My longest bidding war was at the beginning of last season with 18 rounds, and I won that player. What is your longest bidding war?
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My longest bidding war was at the beginning of last season with 18 rounds, and I won that player. What is your longest bidding war?
only 9 rounds but won the player :p
Mine was 37, when I was in level 4.
Think towards 40 in my naive months (mainly thinking how a team that had didn't enough money to buy him could still be able to bid) and lost eventually due to the amount of tokens I had used up.
Thanks to this forum, I've learnt a lot more now.
Somewhere around 30 rounds on 2 occasions, lost the first and won the second.
let me count . um about 300 rounds
7 ko round
and I lost that player
I'm embarrassed to say that I lost in 54 rounds once on level 2. I avoid transfer market now since my server has low supply and high demand of good players..
28 tokens for a DL/DC/DR player, he was 20 at the time... That was in level 2 and I still have him now