Dear master George. For example, I have 3 players 18-19 years old, and the TRF of my players are= 64, 50, 22. Can I give hard practice (3 bars I mean) two or three times every day? How much increase I will see in my players?
And something different! If I have players with big TRF (50>) but the age of them are 25 or 27 or 30 years old, how many possibilities exist to have increase in their skills?
Can we say that we have a "rule" to how many times and how much hard must be our practice every day to have the better results?
Thank you very much! Other questions soon!!!
Hey "patrida", well TRF depends from the level. Meaning in lv1 can find players with Value 1M/ Wage 5K =200
In LV4 all the good 5* players have wage over 100K. So if you see my .xl few post before, Neymar and Ishikura have much less TRF than fast trainers from previous seasons but they had 2 of the best TRF I've seen in the market so far. So what lv are you and how many * are the players? 3* must search for bigger TRF than 5*.
In previous page there is an .xl that have numbers >> raise in practice match >> 100=1 sk.p.
In 3 practice match (3bars) a fast trainer must gain +- 3 sk.p. but you must have some greens and back up some reds for injuries. :)
I 'm training them at least 3 times a day X 28days (season) =84, + 15 matches (=15 sk.p) about 100 sk.p/season.
If I see my players 23-28 y.o. with full green bar and very good morale I give them a cardio (or practice match if I have official match after 5-6 hours) in 2 bars. If they gain 1 sp in 3-4 days with this way why not ?
Just to underpin the above.
As a general guide, on average, over a long period, a fast trainer at 4* will gain nearly 8% sp per 1% condition; at 5* will gain around 6.5% sp per condition.
Since all players gain 40% condition per day, if no condition is wasted, you can expect a fast trainer on average to gain over 3sp per day at 4* and just under 2.5sp at 5*. This is without the bonus of MoM or booster use. (Boosters will contribute around 1.2 and 1.0 at 4 and 5 stars respectively.)
(I've rounded numbers to make it easier.)
Warning: training gains can go down as well as up, subject to status, not available ouside the UK....blah....and all the other usual disclaimers....blah....imo, afaik. ;) :p
1 Attachment(s)
Some of my players who are in my club for 2-3 seasons, none power trained. Look at contracts
Attachment 30906
Hi my friends, such a good day today. :o
After a win 1-2 ,away in the league, I increase the difference in points from the runner to 7 and another victory, away, in CH.L (0-4 with a classic butterfly, 4 goals from the wingers) I ‘m with one foot in CH.L. final four. :cool:
It was very interesting game that I would like to post but it out of subject.
I could add a buy/sell of a free agent which added 800K in my cash desk.
Well, back to the guide.
Here is Buff, who is an expert (better than me ofc.) in training and he is very good in numbers. The problem with this guy is that he is to expert and sometimes it’s difficult to follow him in some initials. The other thing is that he is using those, also in his english/scottish language and many times it’s difficult for me to understand.
Hey Buff, this a multi-culti forum, more people like me aren't native speakers and this thread is more for rookies.
What is this “afaik” again :eek:
I love you man … :D
t-11 is another manager I respect him a lot, specially in coaching. Here in his picture we can see the player upper left, the Welsh guy and get some conclusions . Don’t expect from anyone to present you a list of his fast trainers. You must be able to check the forum and examine cases where you can find.
Ok, he is 6* player, nordgen, now in lv11, probably bought when was 18 y.o., in lv9, with the same wage 1,3M , one of the most expensive players of the market, with a value of about 31M (I’m just making a guess),
if we take a look at this thread of Khris, another expert in training.
In this list we don’t have numbers, but the wages increasing more lv after lv
So 31M/1,3M=23,84. Very small number if we compare it with TRF of 150/100/70 in the first levels but I believe it’s one of the bigger for players at lv9. Anther guess I can make is that the player down left corner, the English one, with the wage of 1,04, if had the same Value of 31M >> TRF 31/1,04=29,8 I would expect from him an avg at least +10 % than the Welsh in training.
So that's why I 'm saying that this guide is for low levels but updating when I 'm moving up.
I have never written any statistic of my players in excel. I remember that I have bought GK on screenshot at his rating 64 and all auctions were won for only 1-2T. That is reason why my team now has over 40T with 35T/season strategy, that is success. :D
With 35T per season I don't care too much about growth itself. That means I don't buy packs so I can't heal every player or power train anyone. So far my strategy is to buy expensive nordgens and use them for few seasons.
I keep in my head few names of fast growing players, so usually I try to use them in 2 matches per day (league + cup or CL).
If I had any statistic, I would post them, sorry but there is none... I usually take screenshot of my big matches and long-term players statistic.
It's ok Sin, your post was very useful . First because you show us that if we invest in expensive young nordgens (I would like also to add academy players) it's not necessary to feed them greens. They can be good players at 5-6*.
Second, to examine the TR.Factor for upper levels.
I want to say once more that the prices of the list are the 1st class nordgens (the more expensive). In a few days I'll post some more examples with players (nordgens).
I want to give a tip. For me it's the most important and has nothing to do about finance. If you are new in the game, you love it and you're addicted (at least at the beginning like me) get organize .
What I did :
-create a file top eleven,
-make a file from every season for the team
-make word files with different subjects (training/finance/coaching/formations ...) where I copy/paste tips or url from the forum or else
-bookmark interest threads of the forum
-keeping records of every training or raise after matches (print screen/ copy to "draw"/ saving with the date and kind)
There are few master of the game in the forum like Buff and Khris in training ,Stepenwolf an expert in performance of the players has also records and Pete Cresswell has an amazing record of injuries.
Also t11 and El Duderinio are masters in coaching, Beckstar in strategic management and Fc bal op t dak in handling with android. I still cannot save a picture of the game with mine :p
I don't get this... i played just as you writed to do , and only like 4 skill poens comes overall
Oops, afaik = as far as I know.
I'll remember to type in full in future.
But should I forget and you see 'iirc' = if I remember correctly ;)