P91 LV53
Finally I got a new max value, 129 M'.
I saw that previous season when a new player I got with 128.900 became 7* and 129 M'.
I have a DMC-MC-AMC with play-maker sa which is old and I need replacement.
So I found him in the market.
Young with 2 positions and high q so I had to pay some extra :p
Attachment 124773
I chose a drill with some low skills he had.
need 49 greens to add the play-maker sa
Attachment 124775
Then I chose another drill to add the extra AMC position.
The result was the same , 49 greens again.
Attachment 124777
Then some sets to add skills, mostly attacking because usually playing as MC or AMC.
4 skills per one green, good.
Attachment 124779
The thing with him is that he had high quality, almost 6* and not some skills low % so to use the relative drills to add extra.
A 70% q, 4* player , would need 35 greens per extra sa or position but of course more greens to add quality so it's about the same.
Players like him have almost all the skills white and balance.