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Thread: Help me to interpret assistance manager report

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Help me to interpret assistance manager report

    It seems it's time to understand something more about this game and i need some help. I write some notes from it and i need lets say a minimal analyze of it:
    - We were too soft in defense (what should i do in order to improve it in game? which settings to change during it?)
    - We had a lot of uncompleted passes/our passes were not accurate/a lot of missed chances due to bad passes (does it mean that the length of the passes were wrong, bad focus?opponent intercepted passes so i coudn't get high percentage of completion rate? How to understand that bad passes?)
    - We must play more psychical ( which settings lets you to play more psychical? tackling style, pressing style, mentality?)
    If someone know more notes from manager, let me know.

    I don't want to create addition topic so ask another question. How to stop ml/mr. They flying like superman through me. I tried motivate dl/dr in order to stop them, played with marking styles but nothing seems to work for me.

  2. #2
    Apprentice Guilherme1337's Avatar
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    Ignore everything he says

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    well i know that he is a bit stupid. Suggest short passes and after several minutes why we not try long passes . Or we can sense a goal but the result is in your net . Well anyway i think that these notes somehow represent some ideas in matches because it come back after some time again.
    If you say ignore, so what should i trust? I'm playing almost blindly. Those notes could be some clever things versus certain formations to perform better in a future but i cant truly understand what he wants. It could be some waypoints. But now it is only trash and when you read it just think "Yea, yea".
    Last edited by tomu741; 08-07-2017 at 05:14 PM.