Sorry for the translation errors, but I used the translator from Portuguese to English.

How do you choose your players for investment? Ok, we know that the higher the market value, the better its evolution.

But with the current model of training, where it is much more advantageous to buy with low quality and evolve only the specific attributes of the position, how to know without miss the shot?

It's a simple tip, but it can help you not to waste resources.

1º: Find out what the maximum amount of a player 99%, whether in the auction or negotiation, according to the age you are looking for. In my fake I found Maldonado for 36.8 million

2º Take the value of the player you want to invest, in my case was the Yefimoviskiy for 25 million and 56% of quality

3rd Make the following account: (25 (Player Value to Invest) / 36.8 (Best Player Value)) * 100

4 The result of the previous step is 67.93%. If that value less than your current player's quality is at least greater than 10 in quality players up to 70%, you can be sure it's a good investment!

To prove this theory, I picked up two more players with the same quality and little difference value and set up the worksheet below with a comparison of evolution between them.