Back to the subject.
I had a player who got 4 10s in 4 games (after the first two games of the Cup, where he got two 8s).
So, can you give some explanation why my player became Diego Maradona

all of a sudden ?
I suppose that you cannot explain this because your job is something different, so what about some day, a developer/programmer of the game explain to us, how the rates of the game are working ?
Is this thing just an "add +2" in programming of previous system ?
Who are the factors that affect the rates for every position ?
Has rates any meaning/relation with the result/process of the game or it's just a (random?) explanation ?
Is there something that in forum chat we call "bad form"? is the cause random ? can we avoid this ? can we affect this ? Can we coach ?
Thanks for a reply, hope for more