With all the experience I have got in the game. I have decided to have a go of categorizing teams.
Category 1. A Team of 9* Legends... A player that have used a lot of tokens to buy lots of scouts or young players and has also used the personal trainer or power trained all or most of their players upto 9*.
Category 2: A Power Trained Squad... Not necessary like the 9* legends team but a team that has players power trained to players above the normal ratings of a scout team, you could often see players of 7*,8* or even 9*
Category 3: Scout buyer... Just simply a player that buys scouts but does not power train, someone that is a cut above the average team for their level and will have 6* players and some 7* later on during the season as players naturally grow.
Category 4: Full 5* Team... A player that may buy a few tokens but usually not a token buyer, just someone that likes to fill their starting line-up of 5* players and some will grow into 6* through natural growth.
Category 5: 3*/4* Team... We are getting to the stage of where a player does not have many tokens to use and they don't buy any tokens and often find it difficult to obtain good players on the transfer market.
Category 6: Abandoned/Inactive Teams... Teams that have very low quality players for their level normally and will often have players that are out of position and illegal formations and at the beginning of season, the tactics show players missing from that starting XI, these managers have left the game.
Most teams on Top Eleven will be any of the bottom 3 categories with many managers not buying tokens and often plenty of managers leave early or after several months playing the game, also bear in mind some teams can fall between 2 categories too. Most teams that are Category 3 for example can be token buyers but they also can obtain their tokens by watching videos as well.