add me (Top Eleven ) Hediye
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add me (Top Eleven ) Hediye
Would be nice to find english or german speaking friends. ONLY SEND REQUEST IF YOU´RE ON SERVER 76! --->
This is supposed to be an "English" forum but i only see foriegners. why is this? It cannot be because they do not play, cos they do. An explanation would be much appreciated. And before anyone jumps on their high horse and start going PC on me, forget about it. I was born in England but as a baby removed from the country and raised in Spain till i was 25
server 21 level 21
Add me to friends active players and daily gifts.
Level 15 and idk witch server.
LVL 3 looking for someone who is lvl 3 and who likes to play friendlys. idea: after my last match i would put my players in a bad formation(f.e. 0-0-2w-5-3) and players on wrong positions with hard attacking and easy tackling. for a save win with lower risk for injuries. i would keep that formation until next morning, until i have my next match. and i only chnage my formation if i wanna play friendly myself or if you write me a pn in this forum and if you want to test your skill. than i would put your favorite formation with your favorite options.... arrows, tackling et. . i expect that you would do the same. (i guess) my team is realy strong!