I'm looking for an association!!! I'm 100% rn, but going to be 80% next season.
English speaker and very active. Living in Europe, so GTM +1 (Italy)
I'm looking for an association!!! I'm 100% rn, but going to be 80% next season.
English speaker and very active. Living in Europe, so GTM +1 (Italy)
We need two new members for next season as 2 of our current members have retired. Requirements aren't strict, quality above 90% with maxed bonuses daily will be fine. Please message me first if you're interested.
Sent from my Mi 9T Pro using Tapatalk
Join here if you are searching for gold 1 or higher.
Name: Flamethrowers FA
You are wellcome to join me in a new association, i am an active player, i train all time and especially in association tournaments. Feel free and join ,,Comfortable 21β #SOSVP1![]()
Last edited by Pacurar; 03-29-2021 at 03:28 PM.
#IXXI97 .Gold 1 asso looking for 1 active member ...already have 5 active members
Im waiting for your approval. Im very active player. Always max bonus, and quality at least 90 but usually 100%.
Hi managers,
we have an association - I founded it on the very first day this functionality has been launched - because I love this game and want to use every feature it offers. At this very beginning, I found five managers, and we started to win and promote.
Since that time, many things have changed, but one essential thing has remained and will NEVER change. At this very beginning, I stated our clear goal: to get to platinum and to stay there. And this apparent goal is something which has not changed and which will never change.
After some time, we established a very stable team of dedicated, loyal, active managers, who are willing to work on their teams, who try to improve themselves continuously, and who are prepared to invest their time to the game. We soon promoted to Platinum, and with just a few exceptions we have been playing it. In the last season two of our members have become inactive, and decided to retire, so we demoted do Gold and created 2 new spots. This season we will definitely promote back to platinum.
Therefore, if you are a dedicated manager who loves the game, who wants to win every match, who wants to be successful, who wants to learn more every day, who wants to discuss the tactics, who seeks to get the newest know-how and to share his experience, don't hesitate to contact us.
Maybe you currently play in the association, but maybe you are not 100% convinced its members are 100% dedicated. Maybe you do not see the focus or dedication of your captain or co-captain. Maybe you are not sure how the future will look like. Maybe you can imagine a different approach, maybe you would expect a different approach, maybe you ask your teammates to show a different approach - and you do not see any change. Maybe you start being frustrated. Maybe you just do not trust the future.
Then - take a decision, quit your current unsatisfactory job, and join us.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Or come and take a look - Night Attackers, #L2PNXY. We play our home games at 11PM GMT+1 - and it is essential that you may be present at that time.
One spot leftππ» join ,,Comfortable 21β #SOSVP1