Je souhaite rejoindre une bonne association pouvez me suggérer
Je souhaite rejoindre une bonne association pouvez me suggérer
DIAMOND association looking for active manager
Teams between 95 to 100%
Team most have strong attackers at least 140 or 130 with high White skills
Team most be 3x
English writing manager
Manager most be tactical
Active 100%
If interested send request to : #mmdxza
Or contact what'sapp +2348033992233 to book a spot
Hi, i just sent a request to join
Наша ассоциация "Алькофут" [Tag #59YDXY ] ищет двух новых активных членов нашей команды. Выпали недавно из платинума и хотим вернуться - и для этого нужно двое таких же активных как и мы. Болтаем в основном на русском, по-этому было бы прикольно найти русскоговорящих, но мы рады всем.
Our association, "Алкофут" [Tag #59YDXY ] is looking for two new, active members to join our ambitious association. We've been relegated from Platinum to G1 and now to G2 and are looking to bolster our coalition with players as active as us. Most chat has been in Russian, but we're open to other languages too.
Top Eleven All Stars will need one new active member to replace a player in Platinum.
Usually, play home game 5pm GMT or 6pm UK time, or 7pm CET time. Would like to get more active members: #LV4PFF
Will be able to open one spot right now. Need you to be active by helping with 40% bonus and support the match as much as you can, and know how to powertrain players.
Message me if you are interested, I would like to see how your team look like as well.
Our association: Ballersville
Asso tag: #29GB24
Division: Diamond
Previous season tally : 1012
As having secured our status to the new diamond division, our association is looking for 1 replacement to continue our strong tradition in always finishing for the best possible rewards by end of season.
Our association has quite a high demand of qualities from members, such as:
1) Mandatory attendance of all asso matches (emergency absence is fine if happened very occasionally)
2) Active participation in team chats, as we always share and discuss on best team practices
3) A very good winning mentality to win matches to help the team for the best seasons rewards for both you and all your teammates
4) Max tpb @10% for all matches, along with trading bonuses for every asso matchday
5) Good understanding of the game and tactical knowledge
6) A season-starting team quality of around 95%-115%
7) Candidates with a top3 league finish of previous season (season 144), hence with x3 multiplier, will be considered as higher priority
8) A decent W/D/L record with trophy illustrations showing the mentality and ability to win
If you think you are good enough to join our very strong and successful association for the best rewards, please do not hesitate to reply here, private message with some info about yourself and your team, or request to join.
Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.
I'm searching for an association that's friendly
My level is 10 and my percentage is 75,8%, I have been playing since 11/11/2016 (with some big up and downs)
(I have only now made an acc on the forum
Hi, im an active mgr. Quad winner. 3X bonus. 40max bonus training. Team strength 110-120. Looking for platinum/diamond association to join. I'm currently in diamond asso but members were not active. #PSRP0I guided bolt fc. You can see my team here. Thanks
train hard, play smart
Last edited by king7eric; 06-09-2021 at 07:50 AM.
Hey guys recruiting for my new association in GOTWOOD #9JFWGP, we are looking for players over 4-5*+ which want to win and climb the ranks over time. I am an experienced leader and have an experienced vice leading next to me. Anyone who is active can join and help build from scratch. We have 5 members right now but are not going to keep the other 3 when we get improvements, Thanks.