Hey. Im an active manager who is looking for an active association which is at least in silver devision but gold devision preffered. I'll try to loan some players you need and will be active multiple times per day.
Hey. Im an active manager who is looking for an active association which is at least in silver devision but gold devision preffered. I'll try to loan some players you need and will be active multiple times per day.
you could join my asso. quality doesnt matter. activity is more important msg me i want #U9SV3F
we are a fun and talkative group of managers we are currently in gold 1 so if u want to join us we are "The death angels"
Join "Mavericks" #CTKJ6L we are currently in Gold 3, association is full but there's two inactive managers am willing to let go if you are interested. Send me a message if you are interested.
NACIONAL FCF #S6I6MF is currently Silver 1, already with points to get to Gold 3. We are currently 5, 4 compromised, 1 not compromised. Our major concern is that we all keep high training bonus. Have a look at us! If you want to join, you're welcome!