Association Captain is not playing anymore....what will happen
Association Captain is not playing anymore....what will happen
Hi Guys
My association Captain has not been active all this season, I suspect he will not have enough players for next season as he only has 14 now.
We have 3 vice captains, what do you think will happen
I dont think the vice captains can do something his he that choose . U should contact him in Facebook and see if he can make someone else Captain in the group
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He is not on Facebook, so I'm really stuck.
My issue is will the association fold or will a vice captain get promoted and we carry on
A vice captain can't be promoted itself , i am a vice captain in my group and what i can do is just leave the group or make someone else vice captain
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Are u interested to change group?
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not at the moment , we are about to go to silver div 1 , but we are worried about the situation with our captain, hence why I would like to know what might happen to our association team
I'm looking for a new association, mine is not very good...I'm level 6, my team is about 118%...
My association is new we are in silver 3 and we have 10 first place 3 seconds and 1 third , and we have 926 points . Would u like to come?
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But i need u to be active we are attending always the matches
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Great; if you want...name of your association? (ma sei italiano per caso
? )
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