Hello, i'm looking for an asso, Gold1 at least(plat would be prefferable tho), have already reached platinum with 2 different associations, left because it became inactive. 90%+ team already with signings yet to be made.
Hello, i'm looking for an asso, Gold1 at least(plat would be prefferable tho), have already reached platinum with 2 different associations, left because it became inactive. 90%+ team already with signings yet to be made.
Bro, 90% is way to low quality for good g1 association.
By the way, my g1 association is looking for an active player. He has to be at least 110%.
Look at regalade fc, WE are cool and we need someone
Platinum - looking for active player!
Italy Top Team gold 2 ( previous season gold 1 ) is looking for a new member