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Thread: I search associative 120% 7*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    I search associative 120% 7*

    I search association
    My team is 120% 7*
    I very active player
    Only active association

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Come and join us " The Impeccable's". we are looking for a member like you to help us gain progress. I hope you accept the challenge on hand. We are a very active association as to our members. We are very supportive of each other in any way, be it sharing bonuses, loaning players, sharing advice on how to overcome an opponent, etc. Here's Our tag no: 9EC93L. We are looking forward to having you join our association. I hope you accept. We are in gold 2 and destined to progress. We are a very ambitious association as well, so your great addition will be a timely boost to us. You also get to be the Vice-Captain should you join us. This And more fun you get in our association.
    Last edited by Joseph Machona99; 10-22-2017 at 05:56 AM.