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Thread: How do a kick the captain of association

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    How do a kick the captain of association

    My captain of association looks to have stopped playing how do i go on about kicking him

  2. #2
    Dreamer Ursd's Avatar
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    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by l33roy28ld View Post
    My captain of association looks to have stopped playing how do i go on about kicking him
    You can't.You have to create/join other association. Sorry.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well that's a bit poo

    They should bring in a way to put name forward for captain and if everyone bar captain vote for you it should change captaincy to you

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    Last edited by l33roy28ld; 02-04-2018 at 01:32 PM.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    You have to wait until he's kicked out from the game for inactivity.
    l33roy28ld likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    i think it's 60 or 90 days without connecting to top 11. if he does connect during this time it all starts from zero again so leave the association

  6. #6
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Oh yeah. Several users have complained again and again, but it's not like Nordeus give a **** or anything..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by l33roy28ld View Post
    My captain of association looks to have stopped playing how do i go on about kicking him
    Just report the problem to the top eleven community to the contact us

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  8. #8
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Guys you must remember that all those games are in the end friendly games and nobody force you playing them. Also the main purpose of this feature is to create strong bonds between managers but of course is not gonna to happen always.

    There's impossible for Nordeus to come with something like "kicking the captain" if everyone wants. The Associations are created by one player and he is gonna be the captain until he personally decide is time to change with somebody else.

    You might think is not fair but how you guys would manage the cases when 2,3 managers decide to kick the captain just for the pure reason they don't like him anymore, ignoring the fact that he managed to keep very good performances for the Association and sent lot of time building it? In the end Association belong only to the creator and not to everyone, the rest of you sadly must accept the idea that you got in there thanks to an invitation so you are a guest.

    This is my point of view as a player and this rules applies in pretty much any game world wide, is the same for all the games who share: guilds, tribes, clans, etc, in 99.99% of them the creator can't be kicked out just because you guys don't like him or sadly he is inactive. Is a risk you must be willing to take it and accept it.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    You can not kinck out the captain.

    I got the same situation so I started my own assoctiation your welcome to join us...

    Our Association is GAME ON.

    We just got promoted to Silver 1 but Platinum is our goal for sure..

    We have great stats...

    We are looking now for new acitive members....

    Anyone who wants a challenge.. join us..

    Hope to see you soon....

    How do a kick the captain of association-game-.jpgHow do a kick the captain of association-game-on1.png

  10. #10
    Addicted Temidayo_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    Guys you must remember that all those games are in the end friendly games and nobody force you playing them. Also the main purpose of this feature is to create strong bonds between managers but of course is not gonna to happen always.

    There's impossible for Nordeus to come with something like "kicking the captain" if everyone wants. The Associations are created by one player and he is gonna be the captain until he personally decide is time to change with somebody else.

    You might think is not fair but how you guys would manage the cases when 2,3 managers decide to kick the captain just for the pure reason they don't like him anymore, ignoring the fact that he managed to keep very good performances for the Association and sent lot of time building it? In the end Association belong only to the creator and not to everyone, the rest of you sadly must accept the idea that you got in there thanks to an invitation so you are a guest.

    This is my point of view as a player and this rules applies in pretty much any game world wide, is the same for all the games who share: guilds, tribes, clans, etc, in 99.99% of them the creator can't be kicked out just because you guys don't like him or sadly he is inactive. Is a risk you must be willing to take it and accept it.
    No. Other members should be allowed a "vote" button with which to decide if everyone wants the Captain out. It wouldn't be a simple process that allows anyone to kick out the Captain because they don't like him, but maybe something that requires a consensus in an assoc of 6 or 5 members, no abstaining, or "no" votes, even if an active captain is wanted out by all other 5 members in an assoc of 6, their wishes should be respected.

    There'd be a required number of members in an assoc for him to be kicked out too, like there's a required number to enter assoc tourneys: a min of 4 members for example. It would mean 2 disgruntled members of a group would lack the ability to kick out their Captain in an assoc of 3 members.