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I have been playing Top 11 for 7 years and today I quit my association as captain having been in platinum for 6 months.
Nordeus have done nothing about tankers, they have done nothing about teams manipulating the system. They have done nothing about the transfer system allowing players to be transferred 3 levels up to become untouchable strikers on 340% and 1% elsewhere ! The draws every week in associations has been a joke since gaining Platinum status. They allow syndicate organisations to continue making €€€€€€€€€€€€ selling tanked up teams with 1000T with log in and passwords for €50 per team. You guys never see Platinum assos with 6 brand new players ? LOL LOL and DOUBLE LOL !!!!
Tanking is easily fixable. Taking 20% off every team whether you gain promotion or not.
Transfers are easily fixable allowing only same level teams to sell to each other.
Cheating assos are fixable simply by clicking the DELETE ASSO button and suspending all their activities on the IP's !
My team is fantastic, 130% never tanks and i work damn hard to train them. Today is the final day for me because when your efforts offer you no rewards and you have to sit at the screen watching your team and honest association managers get hammered by damn cheats !! IS THE DAY YOU QUIT !!!