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Thread: platinum or gold 1

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    platinum or gold 1 level 31 and searching for a gold 1 or platinum asso team is 107 ..plzz do the needful..but an active asso...i have 40 ℅ training every day and very active

    Sent from my EVA-L19 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    HI Akilesj,

    Just read your txt here in the forum

    We are a Gold 1 association.

    We looking for a new member but active..
    That means training your squad (everyday to 40 % if possible) and share bonus in the asso games and try to attend the asso games.

    Last weekend our old member lost his games 10-0 and 12-1 so that cost us to reach the final..

    With us is most important to be active and help eachother to get better.

    Our asso. name is "GAME ON"
    platinum or gold 1-game-detail.png

    platinum or gold 1-game-detail-1.jpg

    Hope to see you...
    Just sent us a request, I just changed it from open to request to avoid that all inactive managers just join while they or not active.