111% top player and active almost 24/7
Looking for an active association
111% top player and active almost 24/7
Looking for an active association
Football masters. Gold 1, want to return platinum division. Write me![]()
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Hi, Evyatar. Send request to Football Masters. The Spanish one. Thanks!
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It see like the association is not so active .
You sure all of you active?
Yes, of course is active. New members are being introduced. We need one, maybe two more. Two months ago we were platinum and last month, very, very close to be again
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We have WhatsApp group to discuse matters. We are beginning to do all better
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gold 2. we are 3 Now all active.
the name of association is: Ultra Extreme Fanatical Atmosfere
We are looking for a new English speaking member with a minimum 100-110% overall quality team.
If you are actively maintaining your and our bonuses and attend matches as much as real life allows you to then you are very welcome to apply.
Please do an in-game request.
You can find our association via tag #5MWXA1
Looking for new member for association
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