Disqualification from Associations
For some seasons now i have found promotion difficult to impossible to achieve
2 seasons on the trot opposition has been better
I now find that not only do i not get association rewards or x1 but the association will get 3-0 losses for my games
I have suggested they ditch me
i am level 93 so accept it may be difficult/impossible for promotion
Is there something to be done on this or do you tell me to take a running jump and find something else to do
Quiet season ahead with no Associations it is then
the most honorable thing to do is to leave your current association if it is a top one. You can join a lower level association which can accept all your 0-3 losses or stay out from association until you get a promotion. 
Sent from my Redmi Note 9 Pro using Tapatalk
Top Association and I had already told them to replace. Thankfully they did
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