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Thread: Looking for active members - low requirements

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2023

    Looking for active members - low requirements

    We're looking for people who are active enough to help build our association from the lowest tier. The few requirements would be for you to be regularly involved (does not mean you must devote yourself to this game), join our discord and have a five-star team (can be flexible if you tick the other requirements).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Castiel_01x View Post
    We're looking for people who are active enough to help build our association from the lowest tier. The few requirements would be for you to be regularly involved (which does not mean you must devote yourself to this game), join our discord and have a five-star team (can be flexible if you tick the other requirements).
    The conditions remain the same, I do realise grinding from the bottom may not be enticing enough but we did top the leaderboards and have jumped up to Bronze 2. I know it is not that impressive but the fact remains the same. We are still looking for active members and are open to all levels and overalls as long as you remain active.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    Our Association name is Death Row with its tag being #E2TT63. DIscord link is