broo kasih tau cara setting jam di top eleven donk,jamku gak cocok dengan jam nyata..jadi gak tau knp mainnya yg sebenernya..mohon bantuan
broo kasih tau cara setting jam di top eleven donk,jamku gak cocok dengan jam nyata..jadi gak tau knp mainnya yg sebenernya..mohon bantuan
situ buka top eleven di komputer/laptop apa di mobile/hp/tablet ?
kalo di komputer/ laptop coba install ulang flash playernya.. kalo di mobile coba atur waktu di hp cocokkan.. GMT +7
Kalo di laptop atau komp, coba liat jam atau kalender di pojok bawah kanan.. udah cocok belum sama jam sekarang.. soalnya ane waktu itu juga pengalaman gitu, maen di komp kerjaan, muncul dibawah 1 menit mulu...
copas dari support, translate sendiri ya gan...
Synchronizing via command prompt:
In order to synchronize the clock via the command prompt, follow these steps for all versions of Windows:
Press "[Windows Key] + R"
Type "cmd"
Press "Ok"
Type "net start w32time".This will start the time sync service if it is currently not active
Press Enter
Type "w32tm /resync". This will resync your clock. If it fails you may have to manually set your time and the date.
Press Enter
Synchronizing your clock manually:
Right-click on your computer's clock and choose “Adjust Date/Time”
Select the Internet Time tab, and click on “Change Settings ”
At this point you may receive a UAC prompt. After this prompt, click the “Update now” button to resync.
Synchronizing your Windows XP or Windows 7:
Windows XP:
Go to Control panel -> Date and Time -> Internet time -> in field Server write -> Update now -> Ok
Windows 7:
Go to Control panel -> Clock, Language and Region -> Set the time and date -> Internet time -> Change settings -> in field Server write -> Update now -> Ok
Your computer should be now synchronized with the same server as our servers!
yup bener um jey ,
cara pke cdm paling jitu sebenarnya tp klo belum terbiasa agak rumit
klo mau pke manual agak hati2 , harus sama persis jam nya.
cara yg paling bawah itu mgkin klo luar bisa pke itu
klo kita pke ini