same here, on website and on mobile (android) i lost a couple of friends. seems to be a major error. Pls fix it.
Answer from twitter : Facebook is experiencing some technical issues. As soon as they fix them, you will be able to see friends in the list
Thx for answering ;)
Awesome! I'm hoping they fix this as soon as possible. Thanks for the news!
i have the same problem 2. missing friends since yesterday
Will top 11 sort this problem out !!! Please. :)
uhmm.. maybe need more time to fix this problem, bcause the problem its from facebook too :)
tengo el mismo problema, cuando van a solucionar esto?
Tb eu tenho esse problema.
Missing friends & gifts
Same problem also to me. Once again ,It seems Nordeus is more focusing in updates for changing names issue and how to make a new appearance ( with spending tokens of course ), instead giving solution in serious bugs , like the one spoken in this thread, or the different servers issue for friends. Let’s see how much time it will take them to give a descent solution and not only posting an answer like “we work very hard to solve it”.:mad:
i've the same problem ! no gift, no update rest, no update token.missing friends list.admin plz fix it