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Thread: The response about 2013/8/19 server broke down issue from Nordeus Support

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    The response about 2013/8/19 server broke down issue from Nordeus Support

    My bug request:
    Today,I have a very important match for me. League 1st vs 2nd.(The opponent is "大昌 No.1" and my team is "Jomper FC")
    The match start time was 2013/8/19 18:18(China local time +8:00), I log in game at 18:00(China local time +8:00) and wait the league match.
    But I lost the connection at 2013/8/19 18:18(China local time +8:00)! I try to log in again, but the app show me a message about "The game world is down for maintenance ".

    Than I try to log in via facebook in PC web browser. Yes,this time I log in successfully. So I am sure that's not "down for maintenance".
    But the game already end! I loss the match 0:5 in away. I check the time is 2013/8/19 18:19(China local time +8:00). Just 1 minute !!!! The match was end??!!! This is ridiculous!!

    I lost the important match, it is hard to become the 1st in the league this season!!!

    I beat the player "Dai Cheong" in 2013/8/18(China local time +8:00) in champion league 1/4 match 3:0 in away!!!please find in attached. so I can win the game with my control!! Why I can not watch and control the match?? That's not fair!!! I wanna the match again!
    [image removed. Please refrain from posting private discussions, including tickets, on the forums.]

    My reply:
    Actually, I am not talk about connection issue.
    How could the match from start to end in ONE minute?
    And some one lose connection,when he log in again the scores changed totally!

    please check below thread:

    Don't tell me about connection things deceive me!!!!!!!

    New response:
    Hello Jomper,

    Thank you for contacting Nordeus Support and for your report.

    We are very sorry you have faced this situation. Unfortunately the connection with the server broke during the match and the result has never been saved in our database. This is why the match needed to be simulated.

    This current result, the one that is displayed in the “Fixtures” section in the game, is now the correct one. It’s settled and we can’t manually change it.

    We are constantly improving the Live Match feature. Our developers are already working on this to make sure this issue won’t happen again.

    We sincerely apologize but we can't give you back your losses.

    Thank you for understanding.

    Feel free to contact us whenever you need our assistance.

    Kind regards,
    Val - Top Eleven Customer Support
    Yes, I know why so many players leave this game.
    Last edited by Jomper Chow; 08-21-2013 at 08:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Dreamer Bigfoot343's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I already followed and follow many online games communities (including being a team member) and I can guarantee that the company and support leaves much to be desired. If not make part of FB the top11 had end a long time ago...

  3. #3
    Dreamer meis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    thank you dude.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigfoot343 View Post
    I already followed and follow many online games communities (including being a team member) and I can guarantee that the company and support leaves much to be desired. If not make part of FB the top11 had end a long time ago...
    nothing new about it they clearly want just to get more and more money and they dont give a sh... about what players needs are ....
    is all the same in all other MMO games and all other fb games but one thing is for sure you wont get this crap traitement on League-of-legends because there they want your money but they also provide good suport and they rly care about players not only about their money!!