1) With you not getting any money from the transfer; are you sure your player received any bids?
2) Sometimes the score messes up for example there have been numerous times when I start a game and it says something like 2-2 but it's actually 1-1
1) With you not getting any money from the transfer; are you sure your player received any bids?
2) Sometimes the score messes up for example there have been numerous times when I start a game and it says something like 2-2 but it's actually 1-1
da prodao sam ga, stiglo mi je ono da sam prodao igraca nekom klubu tamo, ali pare nisu dosle
2. ne pisalo je da sam pobedio 3:2 i da sam dobio 3 boda, posle sutra dan je pisalo kao da i nisam gledao utakmicu a i da sam igrao 0:0
Još niste riješili situaciju? .. Pošalji tiket i nadaj se najboljem >> Klik ovjde
brate problem nece ni da se resi, vidis da ni oni ne znaju sta se desilo
brate nece ni da rese problem jer izgleda ne znaju ni oni sta je
evo i slike http://upload.slike.com/?v=UfqH.jpg
evo kao da se nije ni igrala utakmica
Last edited by nemanja jankovic; 02-22-2013 at 10:13 AM.