Here's part of an email response from Nordeus, direct to me, after a back and forth email session, with regards to Association matches being classified as 0-0 draws and both teams being given 1 point each (the opposing team in my matches didn't field a full team) but still got a point!
I responded with this..
This was the whole point of me sending you info. It was merely to help you attempt to resolve the issue, by giving you pointers.
And while we're on this subject, if you see one of the screenshots with regards to my particular problem. Your onscreen graphic states, clearly, that the opponent lost, due to not fielding a full team.
This is known, in the game of football, as a Walkover.
The result of a Walkover means the opposing team get given ALL three points and either a score of either 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0. A walkover is never declared as a draw, it's never ever been this way [and I've been playing football since the age of six, at all levels] and yet you, Nordeus, give both teams one point each. Can you kindly explain what kind of reasoning is behind this?
If a player doesn't have a full squad, that is their fault and theirs alone and not the opposing teams, who turn up to play the match only to find the other side have defaulted.
It seems unfair to apportion points to both teams when one team can't be bothered to ensure that he/she has a full squad available to play a game. If that's the case then people will do the same, they'll have the bare minimum for a squad and loan players out to all and sundry, thereby not having a full team (including players suspended etc) knowing full well that they've picked up a point instead of possibly losing a game, and thereby losing all three points. Not exactly a level playing field is it?
Maybe this is something else you should consider looking at as well? Allotting all three points to the side who they're meant to be playing and not sharing the points between them.
June 21, 2016, 11:30 +0100
Hello Keith,
Thank you for this feedback.
I will consider your suggestion and make the note to our developers. It’s great to hear new suggestions from our managers. Thanks for your interest in Top Eleven! Your opinion is always valuableThere is no question about it, we should be proactive, not just reactive.
Regarding the walkover issue - it is of course clear that the points gained should be 3 for each match. Unfortunately, along with the match that does not start, this has also been an issue for some Top Eleven accounts that we now consider as a bug. I hope this bug will be resolved soon.
Of course, we are going to compensate you accordingly for the issue, and we are going to add 30 tokens and 20 boosters of each type to your account for the two walkover matches in your Association. I hope this will suit you.
So there you go.
An admission that this is now considered to be "A bug!" and that "we are working on it". As well as admitting they should be pro-active and not re-active to problems. Along with thanks for some suggestions I made that will be passed on to the games Developers.
I'm happy... sort of. Inasmuch as they've responded and apologised, and compensated me. Also they now acknowledge that there is an issue [aka Bug]
Now. If only they'd let the wider playing public know... just like they did earlier today with a pop-up message regarding Association Matches being played on a Friday/Saturday at the end of this season [if I recall correctly]
I contacted Nordeus online with my issues so, if you have an issues of a similar nature then contact Nordeus using this link.
This is now considered to be a bug
Walkover not given
Still stuck.. the following day. Finally cleared after around 18-20 hours being stuck like this. First game stuck, unable to play any games but the second game was given as 0-0 despite the fact they didn't field a full team, according to Nordeus.