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  • 1 Post By MoonMaiden

Thread: **Cheat alert** Any MODs out there?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Angry **Cheat alert** Any MODs out there?

    Cheat's Team name - [Redacted]

    Player Name - [Redacted]

    How does he cheat - Every time he plays a difficult opponent or someone who is even remotely likely to give him a tough game, he somehow hacks into their tactics and changes their formation to 5 players on each flank with no one through the middle. He then murders them 8,9,10-0. Few games back he started losing and after my own poor start to the season, I had recovered a lot of ground but I had hoped to eclipse him these last two rounds since he was just 3 pts ahead and with a reasonably similar GD. But he has hacked the formation of his opponent in both games and won with little effort. He used to do this earlier in the season too so the last two rounds I made a point of checking the formation of those teams pre and post-game. I'm 110% certain now that he hacks into their formation and changes it to this(refer image). I've got no chance anymore but I hope he gets deducted points or gets banned and Sarha and myself are allowed to contest for the title. [Image redacted]
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails **Cheat alert** Any MODs out there?-.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    He must have been one of the game developers :P . You can understand why none of the moderators or admins have replied anything at all.They know it is one of them......

  3. #3
    Rookie MoonMaiden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    you know he may just have multiple accounts so those teams he is "hacking" may just be his own teams?!

    btw I would imagine something like this should be emailed to Nordeus or sent in a support ticket rather than blacklisting staff/players on a public forum with no hard evidence?just saying.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    If a dev was playing, i really doubt that hacking a lvl 3 league would be a passionate thing, I think it would be more fun in lvl 18-20. Probably some code injection

  5. #5
    Addicted FC Barcelona's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Oh come on, you need more investigation guys If you look on his twitter account, he's talking with someone named Esra. Oh wait, what's his opponent's name? they're just friends, and she let him win
    - My Jersey designs : First | Second | Third -

  6. #6
    I didn't want to comment until we investigated this further, so I apologize for the delay.

    We have determined what was the issue here, and it wasn't a hack or cheat, just multi-accounting. We have taken steps to address this, but due to privacy reasons, I cannot comment any further.

    What I can say is that if you have reason to suspect that someone is manipulating results in a League in an unsporting manner in order to gain an advantage, you should report it to Nordeus Support and they will handle it.

    However, please do not openly name or accuse other players on the forums.