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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Game doesn’t accept training sessions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Game doesn’t accept training sessions


    Today my prep level for the next match keeps in “average” because the game insists I have yet 4 training sessions to have before the match. Even though I have kept maybe 10 already and all those only after the announcement came that rehearsals are needed.

    I tried everything: training with the entire team (all starting players, subs and the rest) and using all the rehearsing slots, reducing the amount of players, only having starting players, only having subs, training only 1 player, having less training drills ... whatever. Still have to keep 4 training sessions. :l

    Any help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Problem still there. No matter how I train, assistant coach keeps telling there are 4 training sessions to have..
    Does that have an actual effect on the game performance or is it just a reminder to go to the training court? My bonuses are full anyway and after each match the feedback is that “good that we’ve been training so hard”...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Come on Admins help the guy out!
    I've seen this same bug here in this thread inside the last 6 months, but I can't remember who, where,why or when.
    Söör likes this.

  4.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Hi Söör,

    Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this issue. Can you please provide us with your Club name and level?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Lian View Post
    Hi Söör,

    Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing this issue. Can you please provide us with your Club name and level?
    Hi and thanks for noticing!
    Club is Fc Söör and level is 2.

    This problem came after I proceeded in the cup because the opponent didn’t have enough players. Since then my other stats have also been quite messed up, like I can’t see the details of my matches on the front page and the game thinks I’m in the super league instead of champions league and so on.....

    But also: as I’m pretty new to the game I’m still wondering if this kind of situation really has an effect on how my team will perform? (Even without a bug) if my bonuses are maxed and the assistant tells I have to train and I don’t, then will my team play worse?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The game is full of bugs since 2 days !

    I have noticed this ( not always but it can occur ) :
    _ substitution not recorded
    _ can't talk on asso chat
    _ videos not rewarded

    I am guessing nordeus is making some works on the game ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    That was it.
    Cup match not played due to opposition not having enough players.
    It's the same bug.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Page 10. Thread starter: caserofc. 07/10/2017.
    Last post: Voldara 31/10/2017.
    Same bug,
    Söör likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    Page 10. Thread starter: caserofc. 07/10/2017.
    Last post: Voldara 31/10/2017.
    Same bug,
    Yes seems like exactly the same thing. Will contact the developers from the app and hopefully it will be fixed eventually.
    Altiplano likes this.

  10.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #10
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Söör View Post
    Hi and thanks for noticing!
    Club is Fc Söör and level is 2.

    This problem came after I proceeded in the cup because the opponent didn’t have enough players. Since then my other stats have also been quite messed up, like I can’t see the details of my matches on the front page and the game thinks I’m in the super league instead of champions league and so on.....

    But also: as I’m pretty new to the game I’m still wondering if this kind of situation really has an effect on how my team will perform? (Even without a bug) if my bonuses are maxed and the assistant tells I have to train and I don’t, then will my team play worse?
    Hi Söör, thanks for the added details. We are forwarding it onto our team. Additionally, you can clear your cache/re-install the game and see if that sorts it.

    To answer your question, those are just suggestions coming from your assistant manager. You've prepared very well in maxing out your team bonuses , so you will certainly benefit in that regard, and in your case, while the suggested training number isn't decreasing, your performance won't be affected for not following the suggestions.

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