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Thread: Bug?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I was playing the final match of Championship League, the match finished 1-1 in extra time. In the penalty shoot-out, my third shooter stops his run just before kick, the game hangs (Android)... After restart the app, the match was finished and i lost 5-4 in shoot-outs. A friend who watches the game, said the player freezes and never shoot, and lost his shoot.

    I dont want the rematch, what is done, is done, just inform about this bug.

    Sorry the bad and rusty english, i normally speak spanish

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Your English is very good. Way better than my Spanish!
    It looks like you suffered the extremely bad luck of either an internet drop-out locally, or more likely (because your friend also saw it), a server hang-up and reset. This can happen and sadly for you, at the worst possible time. Chances are that penalty went down on record as missed and you ended up losing. You could contact Support but other than perhaps a few tokens compensation, you’ll have to grit your teeth, maybe cry a bit then move on. Many of us have experienced this but not so many I guess in the biggest game of all. Bad luck dude.
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