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  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #11
    Pro Jeeves's Avatar
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    In your threads, administrating things up!
    I'll use your own shot for my explanation Niko.

    (1) Top half of the comparison screen shows the squad's strength (aka Quality), based on the top 14 players of the team in question. It's the average of their combined quality. This way you can judge what kind of team you're facing.

    (2) Bottom half of the comparison screen shows the Defence, Midfield, Attack capabilities of a team's current setup. It's based on the 11 players present in the team's current line-up (starting 11). This way you can judge what're the capabilities of the opponent with his/her current player setup.

    Team Percent-squad-quality-comparison-screen.jpg

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeeves View Post
    I'll use your own shot for my explanation Niko.

    (1) Top half of the comparison screen shows the squad's strength (aka Quality), based on the top 14 players of the team in question. It's the average of their combined quality. This way you can judge what kind of team you're facing.

    (2) Bottom half of the comparison screen shows the Defence, Midfield, Attack capabilities of a team's current setup. It's based on the 11 players present in the team's current line-up (starting 11). This way you can judge what're the capabilities of the opponent with his/her current player setup.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Squad Quality Comparison Screen.jpg 
Views:	32 
Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	95355
    so then explain to me why my TOP 14 players average is 120.4% but yet when i go to my league and click another team to compare it shows my average team quality is 122.7% ??? how is that even possible ???

  3.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #13
    Pro Jeeves's Avatar
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    In your threads, administrating things up!
    Quote Originally Posted by Richie72 View Post
    This happens because you're opening the Manager Profile comparison screen. That screen hasn't been updated with the "Top 14 Players" change. That screen will start calculating average team quality like the rest of the game once we push out the next Top 11 release.

    And I do know that this can indeed be confusing for the time being.

  4. #14
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeeves View Post
    This happens because you're opening the Manager Profile comparison screen. That screen hasn't been updated with the "Top 14 Players" change. That screen will start calculating average team quality like the rest of the game once we push out the next Top 11 release.

    And I do know that this can indeed be confusing.
    and all i know is, why complicate a simple issue. why fix something that isn't broken ? the devs seem to have too much time on their hands. perhaps they should focus on serious bugs like pen shoot out issues in asso games !!!!
    The_Savage_1 likes this.

  5. #15
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Jeeves, I still don't understand how those qualities of zones come (that was the first question of the post) and that what has to do with the update of best 14.
    Last edited by Ποσιδονας; 02-19-2018 at 09:48 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeeves View Post
    I'll use your own shot for my explanation Niko.

    (1) Top half of the comparison screen shows the squad's strength (aka Quality), based on the top 14 players of the team in question. It's the average of their combined quality. This way you can judge what kind of team you're facing.

    (2) Bottom half of the comparison screen shows the Defence, Midfield, Attack capabilities of a team's current setup. It's based on the 11 players present in the team's current line-up (starting 11). This way you can judge what're the capabilities of the opponent with his/her current player setup.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Squad Quality Comparison Screen.jpg 
Views:	32 
Size:	91.2 KB 
ID:	95355

    (1) This is untrue - It is NOT the quality of your top 14 rated players added together and divided by 14. If that were the case then my selected 11 and highest quality 3 substitutes = an average quality of (1168 [the 11 selected players] + 290 [total of my 3 highest quality substitutes] = 1458 divided by 14) = 104.14. It shows as 104.8 in my comparison screen. As an aside if I take my selected 11 players alone (as per the old way) then their average quality is 1168 divided by 11 = 106.18.

    (2) Given the breakdown as shown above my team actually appears with DEFENCE 105.8 - MIDFIELD 106.4 - ATTACK 106.6.

    I have added the defensive skills of my 10 selected players together with the 3 highest quality subs defensive skills (can't count GK as they have no skills showing other than "Physical") and it comes to 1424. Divide that by 13 and my average Defensive skills for my team and 3 subs is 109.53.
    It is not possible to do this for Midfield as skills do not show against players for Midfield.
    Following the same principal with the attacking skills of my 10 selected players and 3 highest quality subs attacking skills (again cannot count GK) and it comes to 1363. Divide by 13 and my average Attacking skills is 104.84.

    These figures are very different to those showing in (2) above.

    The only explanation I can think of is that for the purpose of this game the skills listed for each player in their left hand skills column relates to DEFENCE, the middle column relates to ATTACK and the right column (described as Physical) relates to MIDFIELD and that this is not made clear to the players of the game. If it were made clear how this new formula works then the players of the game (me included) would be able to work out how much we needed to strengthen our defence, attack or midfield depending on what we worked out.

    Why oh Why can't TopX1 actually explain to us exactly what calculations they have used so we can accurately decide where we need to strengthen our teams in the transfer market !!

    Hopeless - None of this makes sense !

    Just read your next comment below about you've only done half a job ! I find that difficult to believe that you would do half a bodge job rather than wait until the whole package was ready to be rolled out. Shockingly bad !

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