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Thread: More Bugs (Association Games)

  1. #1
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    More Bugs (Association Games)

    Association games Only

    1. Can't view members games from the Association page and no score updates until the games are finished. (Only way i got to fan games is when they started with the pop up on my home page. pressing the games in the association page are marked down as not started when they are actually underway and playing.

    2.You can't view your fellow members games on the match screen.
    When my game starts you usually see all the games on the 2nd box down the left hand side of the drop down menu.
    todays games it was shaded out and nothing to press and nothing to see.

    3. I made 3 subs none of them happened 1st one was made shortly after half time. (Players who i was supposed to bring on still lost condition even though they were not on the pitch. )

    I will add screen shots if this happens in the 2nd leg as i was out and using my phone on Leg 1.
    kienanvinh likes this.

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    And still the bugs farce in Associations continues week in, week out.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 133
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    8 Champions/Elite League
    4 Super League/Gold Cup
    12 Cup

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    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    And still the bugs farce in Associations continues week in, week out.
    oh yes dave I created a brand new asso in bronze 3 and just played our semi final and won 18-12.
    In overview we have been awarded 16pts and the other asso 13pts. one of the games we won 2-1 was given a draw because the winner was scored in the 89th minute but our manager saw his green rest and blue boosters flying across the screen before the game was over.
    so basically the result that counted was 1-1 (time the rests and boosters were awarded) around the 85th minute before the winner was scored.
    for some reason it won't let me upload the pics
    Last edited by Richie72; 05-05-2018 at 07:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails More Bugs (Association Games)-screenshot-8-.jpg  
    Last edited by Siddas; 05-05-2018 at 07:57 PM. Reason: wrong one

  5. #5
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    I cant upload screen shots now i give up lol.

  6. #6
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Well anyways i couldn't watch my game and i couldn't watch any of the others via pc or mobile.
    Either this screen above or the ones with the flashing bars.
    i have screen shots but somehow the others won't work
    my team mates also couldn't log in or view the games.
    Hmmmmmm I'm in this bugs page more than i play the game.

  7. #7
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Jan 2018

  8. #8
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Just get this happeneing when the games start my own game and from the Association page.
    league and cup today have been fine all related to association games.
    So its gone from bad to worse as the 1st leg i could watch my own game which still had problems read above on the 1st post.

    This is my last post because all i seem to do is moan lol.
    End of the day i just want to play but i've hit a load of bugs this last couple of weeks.
    one thing gets sorted and up pops another.
    Best thing is I'm still waiting for a reply off my last problem from the mobile support about 2 weeks ago lol.

    Only person that seems to be doing anything with my problems is SaucyFC so that last line has nothing to do with you mate.
    but thats me done with adding bugs getting fed up of whinging now.
    Last edited by Siddas; 05-05-2018 at 08:15 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Hello guys.
    Me and my association fellows detected a bug also.
    Other one, different one from this which you post Siddas but annoying and we cant let it be without solution.
    Straight to the point:
    One of my fellows won a last match, second game by penalties which were decited in this which one Association won the semis.
    He won by penalties but the game didnt fill it in in his second game and our association cant make it finals .
    Hope that someone will help us, me, my fellows and also Siddas.
    Looking forward to hearing from you support and managers if you have the same problem.
    It have to be solved somehow. I bet on that and you support.
    P.S. Association is called WORLD SIX.
    Appreciate your helping hand .
    Its my first time with such a problem and on forum itself, so please do not ban my post.
    Last edited by Hulio; 05-05-2018 at 11:41 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    This is a well known bug. Contact in game support to try and get some compensation.

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