It happened to me again. I subtitute a player exactly at half time. But they only make it in 63 minute. What happened was the first guy got injured in that time.
If I save the sub before the kick off it should take the sub in 46min :/
It happened to me again. I subtitute a player exactly at half time. But they only make it in 63 minute. What happened was the first guy got injured in that time.
If I save the sub before the kick off it should take the sub in 46min :/
If you watch closely then you can also see the animation with rewards flying to your stock way before the game is finished.
Means the simulation of the match is already ended before you see it.
Nothing you do like changing tactics or substitutes has any use. On the server the game is already finished. On your screen it’s still playing.
It’s an old bug...
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