Top Eleven is a game that only values offensive players in general, they get MOM, higher rating and higher skill gains. Top Eleven does not appreciate or give you the opportunity to play proper defensive games(some of my IRL favorites are defenders). In this game DL DC DR formation is acceptable that should tell you everything.
buttttt.... why are AMC/L/R so much better then ST?
Last edited by pjBS; 08-27-2018 at 10:36 AM.
It has been this way since I started playing and probably even before. The only time my ST have been great scorers they were 69 Token scouts. You don't have to worry if your wingers do the job thou, as long as you are winning who cares.By the way your formation seems weird to me, are 16 and 4 DC or DMC, either way change them for 1 DL and 1 DR or 1 DC and 1 MC.