My messages are not sending. Please advise reason for this. Need to communicate with my team.
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
My messages are not sending. Please advise reason for this. Need to communicate with my team.
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
Hi layden,
I'm not able to reproduce this, so can you please provide more info? When you attempt to send a message, what occurs? Thanks for any info
In Pc/Windows/Chrome version: i can ONLY send ONE message/session. If i want to write again i CANNOT open the chat menu itself!
Latest legal and up2dated win10. Both are 64bit
Oooh and if i'm using ipad pro and i would like to write a message to others: it's nightmare, while i'm typing is lagging like hell (irritating slow)
Ipad pro 2016 using Switkey keyboard and I WANT 2 use it, i assume if i could play with smooth framerates with (better looking) games... Well...
Latest iOS and up2dated apps of course
These are "old" problem for me.Not new. I'm glad to have an open discussion about "chatting problem" and i wanna join with mine (problems).
Ps: I have tested on Android and it's fine.But i mainly using PC and iOS versions
Last edited by Gabez Teh; 02-17-2019 at 05:15 AM.