Hi , my asso stayed in platinium division so we had to get 100 tokens reward , but instead we got 200 each .
Hi , my asso stayed in platinium division so we had to get 100 tokens reward , but instead we got 200 each .
Proto jsem měl 200 tokenu navíc a po napupu hráčů jsem minus 66 T? Pokud ano chci vrátit hráče nebyli zrovna levný
Rád bych aby mi někdo utracene tokeny vratil
Utracene tokeny dostanu zpátky?
Zůstanu v mínusu?
I got similar problem, when I claimed my platinum association reward, I had about 993 T, but now I have only 893. Can you please check it out?
Manager ID: 100002103526013
Update for everyone:
Some rewards were claimed as double this morning following season update; balances have been corrected to reflect. For further follow-up, please contact support through the "?" in-game.
We apologize for the confusion.
I got similar problem, when I claimed my platinum association reward, I had about 700+ T, i received 100 T corect, i had to have 800+) but now again 700?? I bought 2 player whit 3 or 4 tokens....iI think its worng??