Anybody having any problems watching videos for rests. I can’t get any keeps saying none available
Anybody having any problems watching videos for rests. I can’t get any keeps saying none available
Have you tried logging in with an alternate device?
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 133
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
I’m using iOS but tried it on android too but just the same. Got to watch 3 videos then says none available
Try later, for me videos for training become avaliable one or two every few hours, but watching them dont double effect in training TP players bonuses either
Yes im having the same issue. after 10-15 ads its hard to find new one. though i gave full 24 hr time to reset the ads.