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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Audio glitch on mobile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Question Audio glitch on mobile

    Hey folks!

    I just installed the game yesterday on mobile (for the first time) and the sound is glitched... from the get go.. I tried uninstall and install again, exactly same issue. Installed the game on BlueStacks, everything works flawless. What can I do to fix the sound on mobile?

    Sangrial, The Noob

  2.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #2
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Sangrial View Post
    Hey folks!

    I just installed the game yesterday on mobile (for the first time) and the sound is glitched... from the get go.. I tried uninstall and install again, exactly same issue. Installed the game on BlueStacks, everything works flawless. What can I do to fix the sound on mobile?

    Sangrial, The Noob
    Hi Sangrial,

    Welcome to the forum, and thanks for reporting this. When you say glitched, can you provide more info? Is it muffled or distorted? Can you also let us know which device you're playing on?

    Thanks for any info,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    I used "glitched" as I could not find a better word hahaha, yes it is so distorted that makes my ears bleed....
    If you want I can record a small video and you can see for yourself. Funy thing, this morning it actually worked normal... but after I closed the game and re-opened later, got distorted again....

    I use a OnePlus 7Pro. (Model: GM1913)
    Last edited by Sangrial; 03-27-2021 at 06:44 PM.