Of course it didn’t work. What did you expect?? LOL
As I understand. You should have hired a coach which is written on a his card "offensive"
Yep the word "offensive" needs to be in the coach name, else it doesn't count...
The academy is by far the worst addition to the game, with players being away for so long and then they give us a lot of sponsor tasks with this stupid feature...
if that's the case then all attacking coach should be name as offensive coach.
also stop put the offensive coach need fuktons of tokens to use em, we complete task because we want to win and gain more tokens not spending and waste on it.
unless nodeus let us watch ads for tokens sure that's fair to wanting the player based spend tokens for academy coaches
So what happened with this? I am tempted to use the “attacking” coach, but will it not work for the “offensive” coach special sponsor task? Did they fix it?
If it is not fixed I won’t use it
1st i'm gonna show proof that i play on 2 account and 1 dont get any tokenless offensive coach til this day.
1 has it, while others dont..
so i still havent clear that task because i spend token for jersey or logo i want on the shop
here's the report, and the only tokenless offensive coach i get is way way back in november last year. so this task isnt fair. you either rename all the attacking and offensive coach as 1 wording or the task can be clear by dividing "train attacking" or "train defensive" or "train physical" or "train all around". wtf?
Last edited by jarharnamme; 01-23-2023 at 06:14 AM.
also this playing with words are so dumb.
luckily there's not another word for defend.
defensive defending, offensive attacking.
wow how hard it's to group em up to same coaches?
anyway my friends just gave simple solution "why nodeus didnt just ask us managers to send certain player to academy like sending ST/DF/MC instead of playing with wordings coach academy? how dumb can their creative team be?"