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Thread: Soccer camp Fusion Bugs and Problems

  1. #1
    Newbie The Spider's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Angry Soccer camp Fusion Bugs and Problems

    I was going for 8 star player. Earlier today I claimed my rests and I saw "You have successfully completed the event" and I couldn't play anymore.

    In the rules it's written only "Items can be claimed once per day", tomorrow is another day so I should be able to claim other rewards tomorrow.
    When you claim a reward you see "You can claim other rewards after 24 hours" , it's not written in the rules "you can't claim rewards after the event end" - in lot of events you can claim rewards after the event is finished.

    So I'm automatically out of the event with no chance for 7-8 star player because the rules are not written well and are misleading or the event is not programmed according to the rules .
    Last edited by The Spider; 09-25-2023 at 11:27 AM.