I need urgent help!!! Against 4-3W-1-2
I need urgent help! Champions League final tonight, I'm playing against equivalent rival. His tactic is 4-3W-1-2. How to beat him?
Please help! Thanks in advance.
What do you think about normal 3-1-4-2 or 4-4-2 or 3-1-4-2 V ?
In theory u have to win with 3w-1-4-2 or 3w-1-4-1-1 he hasnt got dmc so can be good play with amc.
Ne izpolzvai nikoga 3W kogato igraesh sreshtu dvama napadateli.Ne go slu6ai toq maloumnik kvo ti pi6e.Probvai ekvivalenta 4-1-3W-2 ili 4-1-4-1.
Ako shte probvash 3W v zashtitna liniq,polzvai dvama DMC,ML,MC,MR,edno AMC i edin napadatel.
Preporu4vam ti tova 3W-2DMC-3W-1-2
My best players are tactics - 4-4-2 or 4-1-4-1.
This is a good thing from 3-1-4-1-1?
I saw an equal macht 4-3w-1-2 vs 3-1-4-2 and the result was 0-2.
3-1-4-1-1 has to work too.
what kind of settings - attacking, press in his own field, short passes mixed passes zonal defense? counterattacks?
i would put ml (up) mr (up) and amc (up) if u play with him. Offensive, mixed passes, preasure in your zone and counter attack. I give u all the lucky!!
With 3MCs narrow You'll have ball possesion; DL-DC-DR even with DMC are not the option. AMC-ST (middle) could do a good job. Counters by default, mixed passes. att/normal change in the game.
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