What about standard 4 4 2 or do i need dmc? Thankful for any formation tips
What about standard 4 4 2 or do i need dmc? Thankful for any formation tips
If by 4-2mc-2aml-2 you mean 4-2-2-2 Hexagon (DL-2DC-DR-2MC-AML-AMR-2ST), then 4-5-1 V-Style is very effective, counters, down both flanks.
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hi mate, no i mean it as i said it in the title, here a screen:
tried 4 5 1 and this is the outcome:
have to win in 2 days!
no ideas for a better foramtion against it?
What about 3N-1-3W-1-2???? It should work IMO.....
His AMCs r not very strong so one strong DMC along with 3 DCs at the back should be able to hold his AMCs and STs. He has no DMC so an AMC will be there to exploit it....
ok i will trey and what about the tact and the arrows?
thanks you, will try it and share
this season t11 is a joke...