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Thread: Wich Goalkeeper will perform the best ?

  1. #1
    Newbie Guillaume Payeur's Avatar
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    Feb 2014

    Question Wich Goalkeeper will perform the best ?

    Today, I bought a new goalkeeper, but his moral is very poor and I have no moral boosters, whould he stil perform better than my old goalkeeper ?

    GK1 (oldest one)
    quality: 17 (3 stars)
    Moral: Very good

    GK2 (New one)
    quality: 27 (5 stars)
    Moral: very poor

    Wich Goalkeeper will perform the best ?-gk.png

    Thanks a lot !

  2. #2
    Famous Skidz's Avatar
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    Scarborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
    Im not totally shore but I would still chance the 27 anyway, you may find he gets injured because of his low condition!, you could always play him for one half then sub him!. There have been threads on here where people have shown Morale and condition dont effect how a player plays so its up to you bud!.
    x 17 x 5 x 1

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  3. #3
    Newbie Guillaume Payeur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skidz View Post
    Im not totally shore but I would still chance the 27 anyway, you may find he gets injured because of his low condition!, you could always play him for one half then sub him!. There have been threads on here where people have shown Morale and condition dont effect how a player plays so its up to you bud!.
    Yeah, i think i will play him, but his not low condition, his only low moral.

    Thank you for quick answer !

  4. #4
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    If you remember let us know how he did..
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  5. #5
    Newbie Guillaume Payeur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat Harrison View Post
    If you remember let us know how he did..
    I will let you know when I get back at home tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Morale doesn't matter a lot. Think that u can have a "penalty" in the form that plays your GK for some reasons, like low condition, put another player that is not a GK as a GK.... all these things decrease the Quality and chances of a player, so if we have to put in order what affect more and reduces the level of your player in a match, the morale, is what decreases less the quality and the good job that he can do.

    well to resume, if you put a ST as GK and without condition and 0 morale,
    the wrong position will affect to the skills and opportunity to appear/chances in a %.
    the condition at 0, will reduce too skills in some %
    and morale too, the same, will reduce "something" (we don't know exactly what) but will affect less than the other 2 things.
    Don't worry because at the end if you have these 3 problems at same time your player don't dissappear, only dissappear if is injured.

    I scored goals wih payers in wrong position, with 0 condition and not very happy happy of morale. LOL

    Last edited by khris; 03-10-2014 at 01:39 AM.
    Skidz likes this.

  7. #7
    Addicted Chris Rath's Avatar
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    For my teams morale makes a difference, but they play at level 10+, where the quality differences are lower. But 27 vs. 17 is a huge quality difference, give it a try.

    Btw: If you are short on morale boosters try to find some lower level friends and do a friendly, instead of training. If you watch the match and win it you get 2 boosters (one for watching, one for winning). And even an extra 3rd booster if you dominate the match (happens quite often vs. inactive teams).
    This hint might not immediately help since you seem to be level 2-4, but later in the game you can get this way boosters easily. The only risk are injuries, so field your bench players then.

    Founded: January, 16th 2013
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  8. #8
    Champion Dman2pt's Avatar
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    Last season i played a ST with low condition, because i forgot to use the Booster and he scored 4 goals in that match, was the Best performance of the season.
    And i have experiencing this in other ocasions.
    Just put the GK with the highest Q.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    me too i think morale does not make big difference but for me when i buy new players they take time to get best shape depending on the player same need 2 or 3 matches some need 6or 7 to have best shape .this happen with all no?

  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by essokimo View Post
    me too i think morale does not make big difference but for me when i buy new players they take time to get best shape depending on the player same need 2 or 3 matches some need 6or 7 to have best shape .this happen with all no?
    Who was the best player of my team, Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink scored 3 goals in his 1st match.. usually players have a "constant" form to work, and usually is for always, never seen a player that 1 season scores lots of goals, the 2nd is bad, and the 3rd is "super"... in the same star level, of course... is like the mum of our bf/gf, if is good woman, is good woman, if look at you with this look.... (¬¬)'
    always will be the same until the moment you are multimillionarie and can buy dozens of tokens in T11 (-_-)'' been millionarie, you will be an t11 addicted, will leave the bf/gf, and she will not be the mum of your bf/gf.
    End story.



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