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Thread: How to beat 5-1-2w-1-2?

  1. #1
    Rookie DamonAlbarn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    5/4 Street of El Manana, 19-2000 Melancholy Hill, Plastic Beach.

    How to beat 5-1-2w-1-2?

    I had a champions league game against this formation in the first leg last night but we drew 1-1 and my team has higher quality than his. I used 4-3-3 total football for the game. But is there any other way to totally beat this guy?


    Since there's no response to my question, i'm gonna answer it myself as i just won the match against this 5-1-2w-1-1 (sorry for the mistyped title), in case anybody needs it in the future. Hee

    I used 3-2-3-2 and won 4-0

    3DC to stop the lone striker, DML and DMR to stop attacks from the 2 wingers, 3MC to control the game and passes, and 2 strikers because they have 5 defenders. I put blue arrow on my central mc to make him play more as a DMC to block any attacks coming from the AMC.

    Mentality - Normal/attacking
    Focus passing - Mixed
    Passing Style - Mixed
    Pressing - Own Half
    Marking - Man-on-man

    No FC and no OT.

    I hope this formation works for you guys. I enjoyed a 57% possession and 17 shots..but my opponent wasnt watching the match. I don't how'd it go if he had seen the match too. But winning 4-0 is a pretty good result. Hehehe thanks
    Last edited by DamonAlbarn; 03-25-2014 at 04:00 PM. Reason: i finally beat the guy!